Originally released on Sonic Youth co-founder Thurston Moore's Ecstatic Peace! Imprint in 1986 (and later reissued by SST Records), 1986: Keeps Me Wild remains an earth-scorching touchstone in the downtown NYC underground movement and a milestone recording in the annals of American indie rock. In addition to two never-before-heard demos, it features new contributions from Dez Cadena (Black Flag), Thalia Zedek (Come), Gary Lee Conner (Screaming Trees), and John Robinson (The Fluid).
- 1 Tsavo
- 2 Trick Question
- 3 Slave Bird
- 4 House of Mirrors
- 5 How Do You Measure
- 6 Behind My Eyes
- 7 Tsavolution #9 (W/A Girl Called Eddy)
- 8 Trick Question (Gary Lee Conner - Lead Guitar)
- 9 How Do You Measure (Thalia Zedek - Lead Vocal)
- 10 Behind My Eyes (John Robinson - Vocal, Dez Cadena - Guitar/Vocal
- 11 Trick Question (Take 1)
- 12 I Feel Bad Now (Take 1)
- 13 House of Mirrors (Incomplete)
- 14 House of Mirrors
- 15 Living Statues (False Start on Take 2)
- 16 Living Statues
- 17 Seye Ym Dniheb