Katy Perry -"Teenage Dream" - 2023 marks a momentous year in the iconic career of Katy Perry. Teenage Dream, widely considered by many to be one of the greatest pop albums of all time, and the first album in history by a female artist to feature 5 #1 singles, finally becomes a 'Teenager.' Standard 2 LP. EXPLICIT
- - Disc 1 -
- 1 Teenage Dream
- 2 Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)
- 3 California Gurls
- - Disc 2 -
- 1 Firework
- 2 Peacock
- 3 Circle the Drain
- - Disc 3 -
- 1 The One That Got Away
- 2 E.T
- 3 Who Am I Living For?
- - Disc 4 -
- 1 Pearl
- 2 Hummingbird Heartbeat
- 3 Not Like the Movies
Katy Perry