A fiendishly ecclectic collection of recent mixes and recordings from the kings of retro garage rock, The Fuzztones!
Includes a murderer's row of legendary musical figures such as Screamin' Jay Hawkins, The Grass Roots, Ann-Margret, Blue Cheer, Sonny Burgess and more!
- 1 Side A Strange Mysterious Sound
- 2 Let's Live for Today with the Grass Roots
- 3 Summertime Blues with Blue Cheer
- 4 Born to Be Wild with Ann-Margret
- 5 I Put a Spell on You with Screamin' Jay Hawkins
- 6 Kicks with Mark Lindsay
- 7 Side B Mary Lou with Sonny Burgess
- 8 Windy with the Association
- 9 Ain't Got No Home with Clarence "Frogman" Henry
- 10 Messin' with the Kid with Junior Wells
- 11 What Good Is It with Screamin' Jay Hawkins
- 12 Can Your Pussy Do the Dog?